SA Wedding Show 2014

Wow! What an amazing experience! I met so many invaluable friends and contacts and will definitely be back next year. I strong advise any brides to get themselves to the CTICC for the 2015 SA Wedding Show. There are tons of interesting vendors catering to the grandest and most modest budgets. I look forward to seeing you there year!


Cape Town Harp for Weddings


John Parry

blind harpist

John Parry was an 18th century harpist who was not only an accomplished performer, but was also blind from birth. Born in 1710 in Wales, Parry found patrons who provided him with a triple harp. A triple harp has not only one row of strings but three, making for some incredibly complicated and intricate finger work. Parry divided his time between performing at his patron’s homes in Wales and London. He dazzled London’s cultural elite and his name has gone down eternally in music history.

A remarkable artist, Parry overcame a challenge so profound while pursuing a musical career in spite of his burden.  As far away as my modern, 21st century Cape Town life may seem, the lesson to be taken from our 18th century Welsh bard is always clear to me: No matter what my circumstance, I can rise above. I don’t have to see my goal in order to achieve it, I only have to dream it.

Oasis Retirement Resort

Cape Town retirement village

It was a real luxury for me to perform harp today at an open function for Oasis Retirement Resort in Century City, just outside Cape Town. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and one can clearly see the resort’s commitment to excellence. Find out more about them at

Harp music

Cape Town retirement

harp performance

harp performance

Mother’s Day at Constantia Village



It was a beautiful setting today in the Old Village at Constantia Village for Mother’s Day lunch. I performed in the courtyard surrounding Cattle Baron, the Taj, Mugg ‘n Bean and Primi Piatti. Thank goodness Cape Town weather was favourable to an open-air harp performance!



Shopping Mall Saturdays!

I’ll be performing some soothing contemporary harp music at Ipic Shopping Center in Aurora, Durbanville, on Saturday 10 May. Come along if you’re north of Cape Town city. I’ll be playing from 11am for one hour. Gonna be fun!


My beautiful harp

For those who are interested in the kind of machinery I am working with, I perform on a Lyon and Healy Chicago Concertino Extended (Natural).

Lyon and Healy is an American manufacturer of harps with their headquarters in Chicago. The company was begun in 1864 by George W. Lyon and Patrick J. Healy. (

This harp has a Sitka Spruce soundboard and Hard Maple body, creating a beautiful and reliable sound. It has a natural finish, furthering its angelic aesthetic (it also looks great at weddings!). It also has a gorgeous climbing vine detail up the sound board.

Harps aren’t made in Cape Town, or South Africa – getting such large and delicate instruments here can be quite a mission!


Chicago CG Extd 2012  web  c7-harp1.jpg

Melissa McWalter